Fluid Topics

Tech Talk

Tech Doc Will Go Social and Semantic – As The Web Did

Technical communication has experienced an evolution similar to that of the Web. On the horizon today is the rise of a social and semantic tech doc driven by Artificial Intelligence.

Devoxx France 2022

Highlights from Devoxx 2022

The Fluid Topics’ engineering team got to attend Devoxx 2022 in Paris this past April! here are some of the highlights!

docs as code

An Insider’s Look at Docs as Code

Hear from Gaspard Bébié-Valérian as he explores the notion of docs-as-code and the exciting journey ahead for all companies.

devoxx paris zero-bug software policy

Zero-Bug Software Policy: Devoxx Paris Session Replay

Tech Doc

Tech Doc: It’s Complicated (But Your Users Don’t Have to Know!)


At the Speed of Product Changes: Continuous Content Delivery

Product release cycles are getting shorter. How can technical documentation keep up with the pace?

Fluid Topics CEO’s Take On Trendy Intelligent Content and Semantics