What can AI do for you today?
Large Language Models (LLMs), Generative AI, and more specifically ChatGPT are the new kids on the block. They are shaking up not only the tech community but every stakeholder in every business.
Doc meets Web
Most companies fail at delivering technical documentation on the Web. Why?
Find out about the three biggest mistakes to avoid when taking Tech Doc to the Web.
Next-generation content analytics
When technical content is no longer tied to printed pages or other static formats, it sheds light on how users interact with it. Dynamic content delivery provides unprecedented insights that can benefit not only documentation teams but the entire business.
Analytics: moving from cost to value – TC World
The times when technical documentation teams needed to justify their worth are well and truly over. Or are they?
UA Reloaded 18: Technical Communicators Explore the Impact of Digital Transformation and Changing User Habits
Break through to the other side of user assistance (UA): the theme of UA Reloaded 18 highlighted its offer for technical communicators to engage and explore how digital transformation and emerging technologies are changing user assistance
The Parts and the Whole: Publishing Technical Documentation
Today, several centuries after the invention of the printing press, we can legitimately ask ourselves whether there’s any value to preparing technical documentation in book form