Fluid Topics Resources Webinars

Winning the Budget Game: How Content Delivery Gets You Buy-In for Large Content Projects

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Moving to structured authoring and implementing a CCMS are critical projects that will generate long-term efficiency gains and significant savings. But before you get there, there are great hurdles to overcome.

First and foremost, there’s winning budget approval from your execs, who will have a singular focus on risk and ROI. Second, you need to maintain a high level of commitment and buy-in from those executives over the years that a re-engineering of content production can last.

Too many content restructuring projects fail or don’t even start because they cannot demonstrate a quick and tangible return on investment – and this is where Dynamic Content Delivery changes the game.

Dynamic Content Delivery provides outstanding content experiences to your users and creates immediate value for your company without requiring a big bang in your writing process. It earns you internal support, money and time you can leverage to optimize your content restructuring process.

In this webinar you will learn:

– How Dynamic Content Delivery generates value from your existing content, no matter the writing tools and methods you are using now

– How to achieve quick wins and build a fast ROI to gain support from your Execs for your content project

– How to optimize your project to move to structured authoring and make it a success

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