Fluid Topics Events and Live Webinars

MEGAComm 2023

From 22/02/2023 to 23/02/2023

Hybrid Event, Jerusalem, Israel

About MEGAComm!

MEGAComm is a yearly conference for technical communicators, Marcom professionals, and content managers in Israel. MEGAComm is about networking, sharing and learning about the latest trends in the industry, and spending an enriching day among your peers.

Join hundreds of hi-tech professionals from a wide variety of industries – telecommunications, mobile technologies, security, commerce, television, hardware, and so much more.

MEGAComm 2023 is being scheduled as a truly hybrid event. Both days will be available online with many networking and interactive opportunities.



The Forthcoming of Social and Semantic Technical Documentation

In most respects, today’s technical documentation works like the good old Web 1.0: one-way publishing of static textual content, written by humans to be read by humans.

But in the last 20 years, the Web has experienced two major revolutions, social and semantic, that led to the outstanding developments of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Will technical documentation go the same way?

What can you learn by attending this session ? 

In this session, we will unravel the principles that transformed the Web and led to Web 2.0 and 3.0, and will explain how the same concepts could be applied to tech doc, making both the production and consumption of tech content change dimensions.

With Fabrice LACROIX, CEO

22/02/2023 - 9:15 am CEST

Turn your content into outstanding user experiences with Fluid Topics’ Content Delivery Platform

Your technical documentation is a powerful tool for your entire organization. Yet, too much of this content gets trapped in silos and formats, and never reaches its target.

What can you learn by attending this session ?

Join this presentation to learn how Fluid Topics’ Content Delivery Platform captures your product documentation from all sources and formats to turn it into personalized content experiences that drive user enablement, foster product adoption, and boost operational efficiency.

With Fabrice LACROIX, CEO

22/02/2023 - 2:40 pm CEST

Taking Documentation to the Web – Avoid the Chaos

Most product documentation websites are barely usable. Why is that?For most people, moving from paper-based documentation to technical content on the web is nothing but generating HTML pages that will turn into a website.

But this simplistic view overlooks the difficulties stemming from the specificities of technical documentation. Ignore these and your portal will provide the most dreadful user experience.

What can you learn by attending this session ?

In this session, Fabrice Lacroix, founder of Fluid Topics and Web pioneer, will uncover the intricacies of taking technical documentation to the web, and the cultural and technological clashes it represents.

He’ll provide key insights for successfully achieving your content digital transformation by elaborating on the different options you need to consider depending on your strategic goals, your corpus of content, and your audience.

With Fabrice LACROIX, CEO

23/02/2023 - 2:00 pm CEST

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